Elven Stockings Elven Stockings

NPC Name Min Max Chance (%)
Bandit Watchman (Level 32) 1 1 0.0488737
Lakin Undine (Level 30) 1 1 0.0658364
Strain (Level 31) 1 1 0.0397407
Tracker Leader Sharuk (Raid Boss, level 23) 4 12 7.27884
Turek Orc Shaman (Level 29) 1 1 0.0672061
Watchman of the Plains (Level 30) 1 1 0.0385369
Whispering Wind (Level 30) 1 1 0.0377833
NPC Name Min Max Chance (%)
Ghoul (Level 32) 1 1 0.69225