Recipe: Hard Leather Gaiters Recipe: Hard Leather Gaiters

For Dwarves only. The recipe for a Hard Leather Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 1. The success rate is 100%.

NPC Name Min Max Chance (%)
Dion Grizzly (Level 20) 1 1 3.43597
Grizzly Bear (Level 17) 1 1 3.91131
Stone Guardian (Level 16) 1 1 5.71656
Sukar Wererat Leader (Level 19) 1 1 2.37593
Venomous Spider (Level 18) 1 1 2.23611
NPC Name Min Max Chance (%)
Dark Terror (Level 16) 1 1 24.144
Venomous Spider (Level 18) 1 1 30.2805