Common Item - Bellion Cestus Common Item - Bellion Cestus

Bellion Cestus with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and refining are impossible.

NPC Name Min Max Chance (%)
Alpen Kookaburra (Level 65) 1 1 0.0305846
Alpen Kookaburra (Level 65) 1 1 0.0733405
Doom Warrior (Level 64) 1 1 0.0316626
Resurrected Knight (Level 63) 1 1 0.0319408
Slaughter Executioner (Level 65) 1 1 0.0379221
Slaughter Executioner (Level 65) 1 1 0.0370006
Victory of Splendor (Level 64) 1 1 0.0390175